Mumbai are you ready for Steam Press Shoe Laundry ?

Steam Press Laundry Service founded in the year 2016,by Jonah Joseph and Rahul Gupta as an ironing and laundry service , now plan to cater the customer all over Mumbai.

“We always catered to customers in the local area, as covering logistics for laundry all over Mumbai can be very challenging. Also with the failure of well funded laundry startups we didn’t want to make the same mistakes”

– Rahul Gupta (Co – Founder of Steam Press)

Its been 2 months Steam Press have started their shoe laundry service, the Service has been very well accepted by all our customers .The service also has been used by reputed fashion bloggers, TV serial celebrity and after a lot of feedback and research we are perfected the service and our all ready to reach a larger market.

Our approach to the business has been simple, at any phase we reach a road block we innovate a solution and from the very first month of our shoe laundry operation we have designed 3 custom machines to help us provide a higher quality and speed.

– Jonah Joseph ( Co-founder of Steam Press)

With a delivery time of 3-4 days from the day of PickUp your shoes will be looking as good as new.

The Rates start at

  1. Rs 200/- for Flip Flops, Slippers, women Sandals etc
  2. Rs 260/- for Casual Shoes, Suede Leather etc
  3. Rs 320/- for Boots, Angle length shoes

We pay a lot of attention on the experience the customer has had, any feedback is taken into serious consideration.

At Steam Press our aim has been 100% customer satisfaction and we will go out of our way to achieve that. We believe that for us it may just another pair we received , but for our customer its his or hers perfect pair, so a lot of care and processes have been out into place to achieve the highest possible outcome.

– Jonah Joseph ( Co-founder of Steam Press)

So if you live in Mumbai, and you have shoe that requires cleaning or washing. You know what you should do, visit us: or Call : 7900142798

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